Gamma Software Demo examples for IPTA

Last change: 27-Jun-2024 cm, uw, ts, and sl

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PALSAR-1 SBAS-type process for an oil field area in Oman; done using a multi-reference stack of multi-look 2D differential interferograms with short spatial baselines.
Data consists of a stack of co-registered SLC sections and a section of Copernicus 3-arc-second DEM.

last update: 15-Dec-2020
ERS IPTA process for area with > 5cm/year deformation rates, starting with multi-reference stack. Then after that two alternative approaches are used to continue. In the first approach the point heights determined with the multi-reference stack are used in a subsequent single reference stack regression. In the second approach the mb_pt program is used to generate the time series.
Data consists of stack of co-registered SLC sections.

last update: 29-Apr-2021
PALSAR-1 IPTA processing over an urban area with high deformation rates. A single reference stack is used. The processing is first done using a reduced point list and then the result is expanded to the large point list.
The processing includes a careful checking and finalizing of the result (incl. the generation of geotiff files and of kml files for visualization in Google Earth). The input data consists of stack of co-registered SLC sections.

last update: 11-Jun-2021
IPTA_demo_S1_Aletsch_from_orig.tar.gz Thorough IPTA processing example using S1 data over an alpine area centered on the Aletsch glacier in Switzerland. The site includes a well known landslide (Moosfluh) as well as other smaller landslides.
- Demonstrate the data preparation for the IPTA processing, including S1 TOPS SLC extraction, SLC coregistration, deramping and oversampling.
- Demonstrate IPTA processing for S1 data
- Demonstrate the combined use of single-pixel and multi-look phases in an IPTA processing (to optimize the spatial coverage)
- Demonstrate the processing with a multi-reference stack to map fast, non-uniform motion and to optimize the spatial coverage achieved
- Demonstrate the atmospheric path delay mitigation in a mountainous area, estimating height dependent and turbulent path delay components
- Demonstrate filtering, phase unwrapping, and point data interpolation in a mountainous area (with significant foreshortening and layover) using programs working in map coordinates (instead of in the slant range geometry)
- Demonstrate the estimation of deformation time series for a S1 data set covering only a short time period (5 months)
- Demonstrate an approach to separate phase related to deformation and atmospheric path delay for localized, fast-moving deformations
The demo example is also available as a Jupyter notebook.

last update: 27-Jun-2024
IPTA_demo_S1_Aletsch_from_rslc.tar.gz Thorough IPTA processing example using S1 data over an alpine area centered on the Aletsch glacier in Switzerland. The site includes a well known landslide (Moosfluh) as well as other smaller landslides.
- Identical to IPTA_demo_S1_Aletsch_from_orig.tar.gz except that it starts from the stack of co-registered S1 rslc files.
- Demonstrate IPTA processing for S1 data
- Demonstrate the combined use of single-pixel and multi-look phases in an IPTA processing (to optimize the spatial coverage)
- Demonstrate the processing with a multi-reference stack to map fast, non-uniform motion and to optimize the spatial coverage achieved
- Demonstrate the atmospheric path delay mitigation in a mountainous area, estimating height dependent and turbulent path delay components
- Demonstrate filtering, phase unwrapping, and point data interpolation in a mountainous area (with significant foreshortening and layover) using programs working in map coordinates (instead of in the slant range geometry)
- Demonstrate the estimation of deformation time series for a S1 data set covering only a short time period (5 months)
- Demonstrate an approach to separate phase related to deformation and atmospheric path delay for localized, fast-moving deformations

last update: 2-Dec-2021
IPTA_demo_S1_Aletsch_all_single_look_test.tar.gz Present a possible alternative approach using all single-look phases. It starts from the result generated in IPTA_demo_S1_Aletsch_from_orig or IPTA_demo_S1_Aletsch_from_rslc.
- Avoid problems with non-zero closure phase encountered with multi-look phases
- Optimize spatial coverage and reliability of results
- Demonstrate alternative approach for multi-reference stack

last update: 15-Apr-2021
IPTA processing example using S1 data over a small section to the West of Athens. The site includes small areas with fast, potentially non-uniform, motion (related to the compaction of landfills).
- Demonstrate IPTA processing for S1 data.
- Demonstrate the combined use of single-pixel and multi-look phases.
- Demonstrate the use of a multi-reference stack to map fast non-uniform motion and to optimize the spatial coverage achieved.
- Demonstrate alternative approaches to separate phase related to deformation and atmospheric path delay.
- Data consists of a stack of co-registered SLC sections.

last update: 30-Aug-2021
IPTA processing example showing a time-series analysis process using single-look Sentinel-1 DInSAR phases of a single-reference stack to monitor the subsidence over an oil field in Oman.
- Demonstrate a basic IPTA processing for a S1 data
- Demonstrate the use of a single-reference stack
- Demonstrate the estimation of deformation time series for a S1 data set covering a time period > 3 years, assuming that the deformation is potentially non-uniform
- Demonstrate an approach to separate phase related to deformation and atmospheric path delay

last update: 17-Aug-2022
Gamma_IPTA_demo_PALSAR2_ScanSAR_Mexico.tar.gz Demonstrates an IPTA processing using PALSAR-2 ScanSAR data. Point differential interferograms of multiple sub-swaths are mosaiced in the map geometry – so that the main IPTA steps could be done as a single processing. The regression analysis, atmosphere estimation etc. is fully done in the map geometry using the recently added related functionality.

last update: 24-Nov-2021
Gamma_IPTA_demo_PALSAR2_Ticino.tar.gz This demo example shows a single reference stack persistent scatterer processing using IPTA for PALSAR-2 stripmap mode data over Switzerland. For this mountainous site the estimation and subtraction of a height dependent atmospheric path delay is an important processing step.

last update: 22-Oct-2021

If you run into difficulty while running any of these examples, please contact Christophe Magnard (, Urs Wegmüller (, or Charles Werner (

Worbstrasse 225
3073 Guemligen, Switzerland
Tel: +41 31 951.70.05