Dr. Christian Mätzler

Senior Consultant


Born on 16 March 1945 in Kreuzlingen, Switzerland, Christian Mätzler visited public schools in Burgdorf and Aarau. he received the Diploma in physics with minors in mathematics and geography at the University of Bern (1970), and Ph.D. in solar radio astronomy (1974). After post-doctoral work at NASA-GSFC in Maryland and at ETH Zurich, he returned to the Institute of Applied Physics (IAP) at the University of Bern as a research group leader for terrestrial and atmospheric remote sensing (1978 - 2010). He got the Habilitation (venia docendi) in applied physics with emphasis on remote sensing methods in 1986 and Titular Professor in 1992, which was renamed to Associate Professor in 2008. He retired from the University in mid 2010. Then he joined Gamma Remote Sensing AG as a part-time consultant.