Dr. Andreas Wiesmann

Senior project scientist, Senior project manager, Head of ICT, Member of the supervisory board


Profession: Physicist, Dr. phil. nat. (PhD)
Responsibility within Gamma: Senior Project Scientist, Senior Project Manager, ICT


Key Qualifications
The main experience of Andreas Wiesmann is in the development of applications and modeling of passive and active microwave data. His research included field experiments (ground-based radiometry, combined ground information), processing, analyses and interpretation of satellite-based data, as well as the development and use of theoretical and empirical scattering and emission models especially for layered snowpacks.
Andreas Wiesmann is/was the project manager of several international consortia running ESA projects and acted as System Engineer within different Glob and CCI projects.


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Professional Education
2003 Sabbatical at the Centre for Excellence Climate and Land Surface Systems Interaction Centre (CLASSIC) / CEH Monkswood. Research in the field of PolInSAR landuse applications.
1998 Ph.D. in Science from the University of Bern, Switzerland, for a thesis on the interaction of layered snowpacks with microwaves. This work covers field measurements as well as theoretical and semi-empirical model development.
1994 Diploma (M.S.) in Physics, Mathematics and educational sciences from the University of Bern, Switzerland for experimental studies in the field of microwave remote sensing.


Employment Record
1998-date Senior Research scientist of GAMMA Remote Sensing Research and Consulting Ltd. Main tasks are the development of remote sensing applications based on active microwave data, especially forest and damage, hazard applications
1998-date Consultant for Internet Technology and Internet Service Provider.
1998-1999 Research scientist at the Institute of Applied Physics of the University of Bern: work within the SNOWTOOLS project, expansion of the microwave emission model of layered snowpacks, radiometry of snow, snow physics, consulting for third parties.
1994-1998 Research in microwave remote sensing with the Institute of Applied Physics of the University of Bern: Development of the microwave emission model of layered snowpacks, signature studies, planning and realisation of field campaigns, maintenance and improvement of radiometers and dielectric probes, theoretical modeling of the interaction of snow with electromagnetic waves.
1992-1994 Research in microwave remote sensing with the Institute of Applied physics of the University of Bern: Investigation of the potential of satelite based radars for land remote sensing.
1989-1992 Senior Programmer at the Swiss Federal Statistical Office (BFS) in Bern (as a working student). Development of applications and user support on mainframe computers.


Fluent in German, English and French, some Russian.


Further Experiences

  • Senior Member IEEE
  • Several teaching assignments at Schule für Gestaltung Bern, Switzerland, in ICT and HTML
  • Experience in youth work, team leading and formation: 1988 - 1994 Responsible for formation of the Pfadi Kanton Bern (Scouts and Guides of the Canton of Bern), 1994 - 2000 Member of the formation team of the Pfadibewegung Schweiz (Swiss Scout and Guide Movement). Responsible for instructor formation, 1997 - 2000 Member of the Fachkomission W&G Sportschule Magglingen
  • Radio Amateur since 1988, call sign HB9GAV
  • Volleyball Instructor II of the Swiss Volleyball Association
  • Since 2007 Headcoach Volleyball Sportverein Köniz
  • 2017 Honorary work / Special achievements award of the community of Köniz
  • Since 2017 member of the board of Pro Velo Bern Ortsgruppe Münsingen
  • 2018 - 2025 Elected member of the community parliament